Tips for Cleaning Tartar the Natural Way at Home

Yellow or brown teeth aren’t pleasing to look at, especially because these are telltale signs of tartar accumulation. But what is the best way of cleaning tartar, then?

While there are now numerous over-the-counter products that promise to help whiten your teeth, some people are simply not fond of exposing their teeth to strong and even potentially dangerous chemicals just to get rid of plaque. 

Good thing that there are now natural alternative methods you can try to remove tartar in the comforts of your home. These natural ways also use readily available and common materials that might already be lying around in your pantry or kitchen. 

Cleaning Tartar with Baking Soda 

If you want to remove tartar and achieve whiter teeth, try to use baking soda. Apply some on a wet toothbrush and use it to thoroughly scrub not just your teeth but also your gums. Let the baking soda sit for at least 15 minutes before you rinse it off. 

cleaning tartar professionally and safely
Baking soda can prevent and treat tartar buildup on your teeth. Also called sodium bicarbonate, it helps by softening tartar. It also balances the acids in your mouth that create plaque and stop it from turning into tartar. As it is mildly abrasive, it’s an effective option to clean tartar and stains and whiten your teeth.

Although this might not be good to the taste at all, baking soda neutralizes dangerous acids from stuff such as foods and sodas. At the same time, it also kills off bacteria and whitens your teeth naturally. 

Use Orange Peels 

Orange peels are known to be effective in cleaning tartar. It is also very easy to do because you only have to grab an orange peel and rub it inside along your gum and teeth areas. 

You can also prepare a paste using the mashed parts of the inside of the orange peel and mix this with water. You can apply the paste to your teeth using a toothbrush. The antimicrobial properties and vitamin C content of orange peel can cut through the accumulated plaque and tartar while killing the microbial growth on your teeth at the same time. 

Gargle with White Vinegar 

White vinegar is another home remedy that cuts through tartar. Prepare a cup of warm salt water and mix in some dissolved salt and white vinegar. Gargle this solution once a day to help in cleaning tartar that forms on the areas between your gums and teeth. The acetic nature of white vinegar makes this method very effective in preventing infection and killing unwanted bacteria. 

Tips for Plaque and Tartar Prevention 

Of course, the best and easiest solution for cleaning tartar is to prevent it from forming in the first place. You can do this if you always brush your teeth for at least two minutes twice a day while holding the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to your teeth. See to it that you brush both sides of the teeth properly.

Is it Possible To Remove Tartar At Home? You can’t remove it yourself; you’ll have to visit your dentist for a professional cleaning. The best way to prevent tartar is to practice good oral hygiene — brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, floss once a day, and get your teeth cleaned every 6 months or so.

Try to avoid sugary drinks and snacks to prevent tartar buildup. Sugar found in food will not just lead to the development of a sticky film coating the teeth as it also promises microbial growth. This sugar becomes a source of food for microorganisms that can reproduce and cause bad breath and infection. 

Cleaning tartar at home is easy but the best way is to take care of your teeth and gums to make sure that tartar and plaque won’t bother your pearly whites at all. 

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